Tuesday, October 7, 2014

We Will, With God's Help - Stewardship at Christ Church Cathedral

Dear CCC Family Members,

On Sunday, October 5th, Christ Church Cathedral kicked off our annual giving campaign, We Will, With God's Help. Our Baptismal vows of proclaiming the good news of Christ by example, seeking and serving Christ in all persons, striving for justice and peace among all people, and respecting the dignity of every human being is at the heart of Christ Church Cathedral's commitment to the greater community.  Day by day, week by week, people in and around Christ Church Cathedral experience their lives of faith in new and deeper ways through your commitment. Your generosity generates mission and changes lives.

From Sunday, October 5th, through Sunday, November 2nd, you will find reflections in the service bulletin, written by Episcopal stewardship leaders across the country, covering stewardship and faithful giving in connection with the Gospel reading of the day. They will be included in the Wednesday Weekly, too. You will also hear and read personal stories from our fellow parishioners and we ask that you prayerfully reflect on them over the next few weeks.

A giving form has been sent out to everyone in the Cathedral directory. For the following weeks, please pray over what your commitment will be for 2015. Then, bring your giving form to the ingathering on Sunday, November 2nd, during which you may offer it as an act of worship. Or, click on this link to inform the Cathedral office of your gift for 2015.

Your Chapter and Stewardship Team have set a goal of 100% participation in giving commitments from our entire Cathedral family. We will be in intentional prayer that all will remain open to letting the Holy Spirit lead and guide us in a faithful and joyful response. Every gift is valuable in proclaiming our commitment to serving Christ and, together, we have tremendous power to lift up those who are suffering, to welcome those who are seeking, and to actively work toward justice and peace.

We will pray that your giving will come from a deep abiding sense of gratitude for the gift of this community and the gift we have in Jesus Christ, who never leaves our side. Our faith comes alive when we give joyously from a grace-filled and grateful heart, and will provide us with strength and hope for the journey ahead.

Thank you for prayerfully considering your gift to Christ Church Cathedral. We Will, With God's Help!

Yours in Christ,

The Cathedral Chapter and Stewardship Team

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